Aspirations Control Destinations.
Aspirations Controls Destinations.
Her eyes are blood shot red, decorated with dark circles beneath them.
She’s usually a happy person, always laughing, but not anymore.
Her heart is wounded and torn.
She thought hearts were meant to be felt, not broken.
And if that’s true, why does her heart feel splintered?
She sits on her bed holding her knees to her chest, shivering.
People surround her to comfort her.
But she can’t hear a word they say.
When she heard the news, it was impossible to believe.
She tried her best to keep a constant breath while chocking back on her tears.
She wonders about him and misses him with all her heart.
You see, it’s so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.
How can she continue without him?
He’s the one that gave her life.
The one that raised her and watched her grow.
It seems as if she’s the only one left in the world.
Stuck to complete the journey of life alone.
But then she remembers what daddy once said.
No matter if I am here or not, if you want something that much, you’ll find a way to get it.
She takes that to heart.
Not a day goes by when she doesn’t think about him or what he said.
She lives with no regrets.
Lives as if it is her last.
Every day is a new day for her to try something new.
Keeping in mind that her destiny is determined by her desire.
She understands her creator from above,
Put her in existence through his true love.
There are theories as to she is there.
There is a purpose to fulfill while she’s here.
There is only one chance she is getting.
To make a difference while she’s still setting.
Make choices. Set priorities. Use sense.
So when she leaves, people knew her presence.
She Is I.
It is up to me whether I want this.
I ask myself how much I want success.
How much do I truly want to be blessed?
Rise up and make life a place worth living.
There is much to do while I’m still existing.