Arrow Ace
My dear's a deer
what a novel idear
having a deer not a dear
makes me a bit queer
what's really quite queer
if you'll stay 'round to hear
isn't my dear deer
but instead
I've sworn off men
to Hades with women
Time and again,
Apollo can win ‘em.
I don’t want a hen
Or some guy in my pen
Let me tend my garden
I am my own guardman
Thank you very much.
I’m an ace with a bow
Enemies are quick to go
When I shoot my arrow
If ever I say no
And some bloke’s going too slow
My arrow’s have been known to grow
Right out someone’s back
After all,
No means No.
I’ve earned the nickname the Arrow Ace
It uses my archery skill as its poker face
But really the name’s an interface
Between my archery talent
And my need for space
My hatred of first base
My mortification when facing embrace
The lack of attraction that allows for my pace
You get it?
I’m aroace!