It’s too hot here
For your skin too pure and white
That’s why you only go out at night
You walk the downtown streets
To go see your favorite band
You have sugar bones lain your hair
And two shots of tequila in your hand
Before we go we stop at Blanco’s
You said the food is fine
Great, actually
A taco and a side of rice
Is only 1.99
You tell me about them and
Their greasy wired hair
You tell me how you wish their poor
Hands and feet and other things
just weren't there
We shop at La Encantada
You grab my hand and say it’s your new favorite place, mi amor
Then you are sure to tell me
how the Latin girl with lip liner and wide eyes
Is nothing more
We dance around the cacti
Green like the rough snakes,
Large and tough
Did you know, you say
We can just knife-carve
And eat these things right up?
We cruise down East El Parque Ave
The sun hot on our backs
Scaly soon enough
You look at me
Isn't this just the perfect place to relax?
You tell me about the watering holes
In the dry parking lots for the poor
How they take up space
That was yours you’re sure
You tell me
How they touch and hurt and steal and lie
You tell me
How she thought she was going to die
He approached her late on El Grande street
This man
the one with shoes but no feet