Are We Really That Different?
Humanity is blessed with a gift
Of different cultures, different ideas
Of uniqueness
But are we really that different, you and I?
That we don't deserve all the same rights as you do?
The same freedom to live happily
Without fear of being persecuted
For who we are?
Are we really that different,
That we can't fight for our country
Alongside you as brothers and sisters?
Or enjoy the simple pleasures
Like going to the bathroom
Without a target on our backs?
The simple pleasures
Like walking down the street
Free from the crippling paranoia
That someone might attack you
That you'll disappear within statistics
Staggering high like towers waiting to topple
Are we really that different,
That our blatant dehumanization
Hate crimes and discrimination
Can be justified in the eyes
Of thousands across our nation?
Do we not bleed the same?
Do we not breathe the same air
Which fill the same lungs?
That give life to the same beating hearts
The same beautiful minds
That grants us our gifts, our different ideas
Our uniqueness
So, tell me,
Are we really that different?