
I have an apology to make

An apology to myself

I'm sorry for hurting you

When I picked up that pencil last night and raked it across my arm

I'm sorry for making you feel worthless

I'm sorry for calling you a bitch and hating what I see in the mirror

I'm sorry for making you feel like you dont matter

Because you do

You are special and beautiful and you are here for a reason

Remember that when your feeling alone and dark

When you feel like giving up on yourself

Remember that you are strong and important

You are more than a guys opinion

You are more than a broken promise

Your flaws and mistakes do not define you

You are more than a beating heart, more than a breathing body

You are more than a label

You are more than a few words on paper

You are more than life itself

You are more than a reflection, an expectation

You are a choice, your choice

Please choose wisely.


This poem is about: 
Our world



I actually cried. Now I feel bad and just want to bawl out an apology in front of a mirror to myself. Thank you for waking me up, and making me notice that I have beauty. That people's votes don't matter



it means so much to me to be able to touch people with my words. thank you.

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