Is there a beginning of nothing?
Everything seems so distant.
As if it isn’t there.
As if it isn’t real.
Is life real?
Everyone is laughing, joking, crying;
You’re there with them, without feeling a thing,
Pretending to be happy, to be sad, to be angry.
Wearing your costume so long
You forget why you put it on.
Was it always this way?
Family, friends
So easy to forget,
So easy to fade from existence,
So easy to leave.
Why pretend?
You cry,
But you feel numb.
Like someone took your sadness
Your pain
Your life
Who are you living for?
In this little world of yours
So alone, so cold, so dark;
In a place no one can reach.
There’s no time.
No light.
No walls.
A black hole
You can’t explain;
You’re trapped;
Alone in the dark;
With nothing around.