Angling muse
You seduced me.
Drew me in
played me for the fool
and I bit
took the bait
tried to dart away
only driving the hook
in deeper
now here I am
at your pondering mercy;
throw me in your creel
fry me up
toss me back
let me swim away
or watch me flopping
for breath at your feet
Usually you throw me back.
I get bigger, bolder
still incapable of resistance
when the bright flash of
inspirational lure crosses
whatever path I am swimming
writer as languid, sassy bass
catch me if you can
catch me as you always do
catch-and-release is a
weak metaphor, considering
your use of live bait
and my less-than-persnickety
appetite for flashy, darting
things that shine
Throw me back.
Try again.