Angels from heaven
About author
Cecil Hernandez is an experienced brand manager, content strategist of the Papersgram writers, contributor and guest blogger for many websites. Being passionate about her job, she cooperates with different education courses covering a broad range of digital topics as a guest lecturer. In his free time he writes poetry.
Angels from heaven
God blessed us once, with a handsome son,
then we prayed for a another one.
Nine years later it was plain to see,
an only child he was meant to be.
Then early last spring and late at night,
our dreams became clearer in our sight.
It was March eleventh when the call came,
our aching hearts hadn't been in vain.
At seven weeks old and still so new,
she seemed to know just what to do.
Into our arms and our hearts she fell,
She soon had us completely under her spell.
Brought to us on the wings of a dove,
we promised her everything, especially love.
Two small hands and two small feet,
a tiny miracle to make our lives complete.
God watched over us, with her, for a while,
then answered our prayers with a smile.
He knew this is where she was meant to be,
it was his plan for us and her destiny.
Positively adorable with big brown eyes,
she puts the sunshine back into our skies.
She captured our hearts and set our lives a-whirl,
We are now adopting our precious baby girl.
We waited so long for our dreams to come true,
God sent another angel, now we have two.
Daddy, Mommy and big brother too,
are sure you will love her as much as we do!
Thank you Lord for a beautiful daughter to love,
thank you for this blessing you sent from above.
We've now been blessed twice with the gifts God has given,
we have the privilege to love two precious angels from heaven.