From a distance the sound of feathers
A whole host of words whispered
As if you haven't already heard its saving message
In silence we become unshackled
From this bitter place of cold ego's
Then angel spreads her wings on windows peak
She keeps silent from inside her a swell
At its cold whispers haunting to dwell
Many keep to themselves not wanting to be alone
Then cold chill sends a rage down my spine
In time the sun heats up on waters side
Many a demon would run away & hide
Angel surrenders onto its night scene
A brandished web of forbidden design
For some the angel would lie and wait to deceive
In triumph sounds of musical beings
We our still here to ignite its flame
Out on the playing field we have no game
When our generation dies so does the other
The angel of darkness inhabits light
Shackled by a memory on a certain plight !