Anchorman? More like AnchorWOMAN
My Job is simple, become an anchorwoman for a major news station like Cbs or Fox news.
Easy right? No
I'll have to summon all my best skills in journalism and immerse myself in a business that prospers on tradgedy while mastering the ability to be up before the rest of the world is.
like a superhero i'll have to battle the evils of the world
forms of chaos so strong that they can destoy countries in a single day
the only difference is I won't be the one wearing the cape
i'll be behind the scenes reporting my findings enlightening every person who watches
Like every superhero does I have a villian that stands in the way of my dream
and that villian for me is self doubt
Even people with the most potential doubt themselves but with hard work and support from the people around me I Know my dream job will become a reality
i'll serve as a reminder that a woman can get a high ranking job
and push for a world without gender inequality
signing off, your soon to be AnchorWOMAN