My pulse is faint.
My mind is spinning.
My skeleton is shaking.
My muscles are weakening.
I can feel my breath being restricted
From my rib cage tightening its grasp around my lungs
As if it was a boa constrictor that has been hungry far too long.
My head turns light
While my heart begins to beat like a drum
I swear I won’t know what to do if even a pin drops—
I may break out into heavy sobs
Or dance in the sunlight while sweat beads down my face.
I may laugh uncontrollably
Or hyperventilate until my skin turns from tan to blue.
I can feel every emotion inside me
As if it’s connected to an amplifier
So that it’s ready to give the rest of me the most insane show.
Where my body reacts without a given signal
Just out of spite toward mother nature
And forgetting that it affects me- the vessel.
My pulse is faint.
My mind is spinning.
My skeleton is shaking.
My muscles are weakening.