Among a Weak People
Today, we live in a society with little thought for patience,
Little responsibility to say "I'm sorry," and not enough brains
To think about given problems. I mean TRULY think.
Dig into the depths of an arguement with a friend,
Say "Maybe it was my fault," grow up, and make it right.
Especially in politics, no one used their brains to think things
Through. The state governor denies a seemingly good policy for the state,
He explains his reasons, which are sound and good. But the people, the people
Are angry. "The governor is denying our rights!" "He wants to make us suffer!"
Yet the man has stated repeatedly why the state cannot handle the policy:
It's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
No one stops to mentally uncover the reason, the meaning, the philosophy,
The morality, the deepest depths of any given circumstance.
It's all about "I deserve this," "They did this to me,"
Which brings us to, ultimately:
"It's not my fault!"
Well, maybe it is. It just might be you.
Unfortunately, not many people have the bravery, the true maturity,
To turn the mirror on themselves and see if they have any blame in the matter.
Society has stopped thinking. It stopped being responsible.
Common sense is not so common anymore for a reason.
People need to think more, take the blame for their mistakes,
Accept the consequences for their actions.
It won't make the world perfect, but it would make life a lot easier.