america's worthy
America is a beautiful hypocrite.
It offers greatness,
but only for the ones that are worthy.
The mothers
who break their backs and fend for their children,
only to find their hands come up empty;
Are they worthy?
The women who love women and men who love men,
and all who are in between,
who are beaten and berated, told their being is curable;
Are they worthy?
The migrating runners and asylum-seekers,
who desire safety amidst chaos and destruction;
Are they worthy?
The righteous and educated women
who seek a pedestal raised to match their counterpart;
Are they worthy?
The sick, poor, and destitute,
who see the beginning of a day with the fear they won't survive the night;
Are they worthy?
America's outcasted, rejected, overlooked, forgotten.
Are they worthy of greatness?
Do they deserve the embrace of American arms?