Amelia's Ashes
How can a box so small
Hold an entire person?
How can it hold 3 months
Of memories, happiness and life?
Holding Amelia
On the bed with mom at the hospital
Seeing her for the very first time
Our babysitter
Crying on the phone
The stretcher and the men in white
Seeing her for the last time.
My parents crying,
Little gold box in arms
The first time I saw the new Amelia
who'd never leave that little golden box
I remember
the bright smile
and those sparkling blue eyes
that I never saw again
I realize now
How little I truly knew
About this girl, my sister
And it hurts to know I'll never get a chance
to really know
or understand
the person she was
What would she have been like?
Would we have been friends, more than sisters?
I want to know her struggles,
Her desires, and her strengths
Would she be tall?
Would her hair be dark
Or light like mine?
Would she be a Godly woman?
Who would she be?