Always Wanting What You Don't Have

Why is it that we always want what we don't have?

Why is it that what is avilable to us is never good enough?

Maybe we are a society of people who fixate too much on chaning everything,

Instead of admiring what is right in front of us.

Sometimes we forget to count or blessings, and we take too much for granted.

I know they say to never settle and to go after what you want,

But is it possible that reaching for our dreams take us away from being truly happy?

Maybe I don't have the best mindset, and I am too negative about the way that I view myself,

Because I am the first person to hype up everyone else, but I am the first person to bring myself down.

I don't know if it is because of all the things that are going on in the world, but I am not who I once was.

I hate to admit it, but I have changed for the worse, and I don't like it at all,

But I don't know how to go back to who I was before. 

I feel like I lost my spirit, and everyday I am sloly breaking.

Maybe it is the negativity that is surrounding me, maybe it is finally starting to get in my head,

But if I have to cut everyone off and start from the beginning to find myself once more, then I guess that is what I am going to have to do. 

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