i sit in my room
bitterly, like spoiled milk
there is no one
just me
BREAKS the silence
whispering, confiding, talking, giggling, yelling, jumping, musically rising and falling
a tiny smile creeps across my face
it begins in one corner of my mouth
the sour lemon taste of it makes my lips curl up
and I Laugh.
other voices join in the clamor
ascending the stairway to my lonely abode
bringing me out of my silence
waking my soul
with bittersweet chocolate
and i drop my pencil
I stand Up
but i cannot remain standing for there is too much to do
i stay busy, my mind always leaping from one thing to the next, in intervals, but they are good things, and i cannot forget them, and i am full of sugar and my head is buzzing, and i like doing things, and being with people, because then i do not have to give in to the silence i find otherwise
the music of the voices in my house, in my room, in my space
lifts me.
it fills me with my own music
rising up in my soul
I sing
long notes short staccato jazz riffs like the ballads the piano invites
the voices in the background slowly fade away
they are no longer there, and i am alone
in the silence
but now
the quiet is not so empty
there is a new melody
a melody of my creation
it echoes the others but is filled
with something new. It tells
a story.
The story is not happy but it is not
The story is true.
The music fills the room.
and i smile
a gentle
with the marshmellow taste of harmonies
yet to be discovered.