Dear Pizza,
Oh how your aroma is piquant
From afar black brick radiates
I see more colors than ever
The waiting game causes such tremor
Oh how your aroma is piquant
How precious such treasure
No other compared could measure
Threads of elastic gold drips towards the heart
Like lava difficult to drift apart
Delicate crisped crust handled with care
Maybe one more unable to share
But I must not for my tank disagrees
Indigestible isosceles weakens my knees
Oh how your aroma is piquant
Awfully luring to leave unnoticed
Each bite keeps me devoted
Oh how heavenly is your taste
But no more no more such a waste
Gasping for breaths
Painful as death
Oh the discomfort I must bear
No other ache could compare
No more no more I cannot eat
No longer visible my feet
The remnants won’t leave
My tank grieves
You leave me unfulfilled
An accord which cannot be rebuild
Oh how your aroma is piquant
Such travesty your elements are indecent
My tank bids farewell
I can no longer be compelled