I pledge allegiance
to the Flag
of the United States of America
This phrase bothers me
it implies total devotion to one country
a capital offense in my mind.
I was blessed
(and cursed)
with a lust
for anything foreign and exotic.
I am an eclectic child,
something I share with my country.
But while the
borrows foreign customs and cultures,
my soul simply begs
to experience them
and collect knowledge.
I want to understand the world
and all it has to offer,
not blindly commit my loyalty
to a single country.
And to the Republic
for which it stands
one nation
under God
Another generalization
put forth by this mantra,
into every single student's brain
before they can even read.
We cannot possibly be
One Nation
Under God
because we are a nation
under many god(s)
and beliefs.
By the country's own standards,
is one of the most important ideals put forth.
Yet we still find it lacking
the acceptance of less common beliefs.
with Liberty
and Justice for all.
If there is justice for all,
then why are entire groups of people
still struggling to fight for their
justice and equal rights?
The hypocrisy of an entire nation
is glaringly obvious
when everyday their children repeat words
that cannot possibly be true
and felt with passion.
Let freedom truly ring.
Pledge your allegiance
to acquiring a knowledge of the world and its people.