All You Need is Love
"Last night I dreamt, that somebody loved me. No hope no harm. Just another false alarm" - The Smiths
A simple emotion is what I cannot live without.
Am I in love?
I'm in love with art and being alone, but not yet for someone who makes me feel like art,
or someone who makes me forget what 'alone' feels like.
I love the feeling when family is together
and when we are all seated around the table speaking of old memories and new achievements.
I love the sound of thunder because it reminds me of the noise my heart makes when I am on a gigantic roller coaster.
I love everything my mother has done for me, and playing the roles of both a mother and a father.
I love that my mind is a mess, but I still think the world is wonderful.
I love, even when I am not in love.
Because in this world, there are so many things to love.