What is the point?
Why live when a solution lies ahead
Ahead of life, so why strive?
Just dive straight ahead
Ahead lies bloodshed
Ahead of life, so why strive?
Why try to survive
Stay alive?.. why
Trust it will be ok? when
Maybe I'll quit this hard drive
Maybe I'll end this hard life
Why try to stay alive? why survive?
Almost twenty five, still no light
Why wait till forty five?
Why deprive me of ending life
In spite of how miserable it feels
I might just finish the fight
Look how bright the night is
It's not all dark, its misread
Don't be mislead
The afterlife is not a threat
It's homestead for the dead
So I'll just dive straight ahead
Ahead of all this bloodshed
Ahead of life, so why strive?
When I cant survive
So why stay?
I can see the bay ahead
It's the way I'll take
Maybe ahead after I bled
Just maybe after I'm dead at bay
I'll be ok