Addiction to Redemption
The songs our callous iPods play
urge us
drink all night, party all day—
seize our one and only chance.
We’re dying.
Throw ourselves into the dance.
First the hooker, then the hook up.
Arid night,
then the heart-wrenching break up.
It costs nothing and yet so much:
Your soul
and a body named such-and-such.
Hangovers and STDs—
of these drunken parties.
Broken hearts, broken trust.
Lives conceived
and destroyed through lust.
Pills and bottles on the floor.
we’ve grown too weak to ignore.
We can’t pay a taxi, so we drive.
Is it impossible to survive?
Can we stop, or will we fall?
You decide.
And so will I, so must we all.
Addictions to alcohol and sex—
will warp our lives into wrecks.
So will we put these errs aside,
rise up
and march along beside
those who still are trapped?
take effort to be snapped.
Will we now be responsible—
overcoming these obstacles?
Redemption waits nearby for us.
It’s hard,
but absolutely worth the fuss.
Destructive habits need to end.
Right now.
Let’s stand up, stop this trend,
for once we do, we can shout:
We’re alive!
Now, we’ll let our lives sprout.
Freed from dark addictive blights,
we’re trees,
beautiful in browns and whites.
No longer down in shame concealed.
we’re safe, we’re clean, and healed.