I am no stranger to solitude.
Him and I, we are old friends,
reacquainted as the day draws to an end
once more.
He doesn't take kindly to other people,
so he only makes his appearance when I am
He is beside me as I lay in the dark
wishing for something better,
someone better
to help me bide time until the sun awakens.
But I haven't always been alone.
There's been instances in which someone had
banished the shadows and made my heart swell;
everything good and pure and light
encaptured me at every moment.
It never lasted long.
When they left, He was always waiting.
Waiting for me to break again.
So now I lay in bed
wondering if the sun will shine once more
to rid my life of this shadow cloak that He has
thrown around my body.
I can't do it on my own,
the clasp is too tight
and I fear that if I try too hard to pry it off
it might end up too tight around me,
choking me,
rendering me completely defenseless
against the ever-lurking curse of Him.