3 Words
Prejudice, Discriminate, & Stereotype.
3 words many have to experience,
3 words I have to experience.
3 words many have to interpret.
3 words many have to salute to.
3 words extracting the love that was once there.
3 words I've had to surrender to.
Those 3 words are now dead to me.
I've danced those 3 words away with a melody that many have harmonized along with me.
In me, those 3 words should not call home.
Those 3 words might still be alive,
But only in those who feed them.
It's time for those 3 words to be put down to starve.
Those 3 words have killed many (literally)
Those 3 words have brought me down.
They've been used against me,
They've made rivers out of my tears,
Albums out of my sobs.
White, Asian, Nosey, Nerd, Midget, Stupid, Lier, Selfish, Back-Stabber, & Ugly.
I've been judged under each & every one of these categories - all by people who barely even know me,
Thanks to those 3 words.
Mexican-American, Caring, Not the Best Eyesight, Fun-Size, Good Choice Maker, Honest, Selfish only when it comes to the One I Love, Friend 'Till The End & Not the Prettiest,
Those are the corrections.
Thoes 3 words hopefully no one ever has to surrender to again.
Those 3 words have kept people from succeeding in life,
Either with money or love.
Those 3 words have gotten in my way,
But I say No More !
Money can't buy love just like those 3 words can't buy my Success.
Prejudice, Discriminate, & Stereotype.
Those 3 words are the ones you'll never see me bow down to,
Never Again !!