2016 was like a rollercoaster
In the beginning it was easy
You know straight forward no bumps in the road
Then I got a job, and it went downhill
My money wasn't actually my money
My mother took all of my checks except one
That one check I kept I spent on my college essentials
I bought a mini gridge and a laptop
When I finally got out the house and went to college
That was it for me, No help was provided from her except to drive me to Tennessee
I was used to it, I usually had to make things happen on my own
I major in Criminal Justice at Tennessee State University
I got a job at Mcdonald's in October to keep some money in my pocket
That didn't last long since moms still wanted my money
While also getting a 3.2 GPA and working every shift they threw at me
I felt accomplished because I was alone, but I was getting stuff done
I met this amazing guy, who shall not be named
He's my everythign even though we fight and argue almost all the time
This past year has had some ups and downs, but through all of that
It has taught me to be more independent
And if you want something done, go do it yourself