20 Minutes til Sunrise
It's 20 minutes to sunrise
I'm watching the sun kiss every inch of your skin
as it awakes from its slumber and peers through the window
Skin that only God could have molded with red clay from the earth
I'm watching your chest rise and fall like oceans tide
Noisy but relaxing
He is beautiful
As he stirs from his sleep his eyes flicker against the light
I wonder if those eyelashes cause sand storms across the Sahara
And then I look into his eyes and i'm drowning
I'm sinking to the bottom when I catch a glimpse of light
That smile
Pulling me out of my fantasy and back to reality
I can't help but smile back
He is beautiful
Good morning his voice rumbles still asleep
And i wonder if his voice shakes mountains
Or if when he speaks does lighting comes after
He is beautiful
He just doesn't belong to me