In 10 Years
The tears fall down my cheeks,
The wounds will never heal.
It burns, stings, tugs,
The pain is so surreal.
You tear me down and humiliate,
For the sake of laughs,
I just can’t take.
Just stop and look,
Please, oh please.
Do you think it’s still funny as I fall to my knees?
I yell to God, “Why me, why me!”
It isn’t funny,
Can’t you see?
I’m just a woman,
Just leave me be!
I keep asking myself
“When will it end?”
As I take your searing blows,
Attempting to defend.
You've left me these bruises,
But not on the skin,
You think you’ve won?
Just think again.
One day I’ll say enough,
I’ll wipe the tears away,
I won’t think you’re so tough,
As I turn the other way.
So help me God,
I don’t know what to do,
Can somebody please help me?
I just want to make it through.
This was just a nightmare
I’ll wake up and see,
I feel I can finally walk on air.
I’m free, I’m free.
I shake off all the lies,
And put them to their demise,
For your words mean nothing,
Go ahead, and keep bluffing.
In 10 years, when you look back,
You won’t see the old me,
A timid little woman,
A fragile person.
Feeling ashamed and blamed.
In 10 years, you’ll see a woman,
Loud and proud,
Of the challenges she faced.
The ones that you bullies placed.
I no longer want to plaster a façade,
Hell, I might even send you a postcard.
For the past is the past,
No matter what you put me through,
I just want to say,
Thank you for showing me your insolent view.