10 Views of Cancer Through Time and Perspective
I am a “perfect version
Of a human cell”
I can divide without inhibition
I can grow without demise
Cancer is an affliction of the cell
DNA that has lost control of itself
A piece of us that divides rampantly;
Rampantly, it runs, without any control.
A crab. That is the true nature of Karkinos.
Insidious, Cunning, Painful
Through the body it scuttles
Head to lung to skin to toe
Cancer is an affliction
That is better left alone, they said.
Let them pass, it is better that way
Less pain, more peace, they said.
Beyond the visible, cancer spreads throughout the tissue.
Cut it out. Remove every trace.
Radically- We must cut it radically.
Only then will cancer be cured.
Cancer is a war.
A battle against our own kind
“A civil war” if you will
A fight unto the death
Chemically it may be eradicated
A poison to you may be a cure to cancer
Drug trials. Clinical trials. Strength trials.
Mix and match the chemicals until it is gone
Cancer, oh tragic, tragic cancer
Why do you hound us so?
For what purpose were you created?
What function do you owe?
Mukherjee says cancer is an odd juxtaposition
Perfection in its own view; Disaster in its beholder’s
The emperor of all maladies
Impact is in the mind of the impacted
Cancer makes us sleepy
Cancer makes us hurt
Cancer brings sorry looks, dozens of doctors
What is cancer?