“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”
In Stranger in a Strange Land, ‘to grok’
means “to understand so thoroughly that
the observer becomes a part of the observed"
As best as it can be said:
“Thou art god, I am god.
All that groks is god”
Thus to Virginia Woolf's quote, I respond:
If I grok you, I grok myself
Not the other way around.
Who am I?
I am a god
If you are a god
Who am I?
I am human
If you are human
Who am I?
I am humane
If I grok your pain
Who am I?
I am a lover
If I grok your love
Who am I?
I am important
If I grok your importance
Who am I?
I am a learner
because I grok.
In my life,
I have grokked
as much as this
I have grokked
the eternal youth
of children
I have grokked
the painful process
of growing up
I have grokked
in me, the confusing mix
Of Indian and American
I have grokked
the worthy pay-off
of dedication and hard work
I have grokked
the heavy importance
of reading and writing
I have grokked
the true friendships
of water brothers
I have not grokked life
But I have grokked this
And by way, grokked me.