fills my
mind. It
closes in
on the dark
empty void
that lies
in my
I can feel the words
building up, ready to
burst. Its full of you a
nd us and all sort of n
onsense, but that I gu
ess shouldn't matter af
ter all, a wish is only a d
ream isnt it? a dream th
at your heart makes at n
ight? I guess night is the
perfect time for the silent
wish. The wish so import
a nt that it has never bee
n mentioned out loud fo
r fear that it might be he
ard that it might melt aw
ay into the land of burie
d dreams. But tonight wi
ll be different. Tonight th
e words will be heard b
y the voice of the wind.
Seen by the grace of G
od Tasted in the air. Fe
lt in every heart, beatin
g in the chest of those s
till living. Here it is My wi
sh for you. I close my eye
s. The words escape my
lips. I exhale. my secrets
are safe in the dying smoke.