The High School Views
As we started in this school,
This place where we would learn to use life's tools,
We also began to form our views
Which, through push or pull, became askew,
Young peoples' minds turning to hate.
Media depicting false bodies,
Young teens believing they're shoddy,
Big business selling what's "hot",
Sending the message to buy it or you're naught.
Teens are taught that these are what seal their fate.
By these guidelines they judge the norm
Calling foul when one's path takes on a new form
Whether it be in lifestyle choice or sexuality
Teens begin to view these derivations as fallicies
By this point, for them to change, it may be too late.
To fix this wrong society has wrought,
Society itself must be taught
That these derivations are not wrong,
But are things to have been accepted all along
It is now time for society to acquire this accepting trait.