Pennies - for MLK and BLM
Pennies - for MLK
I am a privileged white woman
My wishes dreams efforts
Standing up against racism
Shouting their names
Lying on the sidewalk with my hands behind my back
Screaming “I can’t breathe” with tears streaming
Taught my children to stand up for the oppressed
Still just a well intentioned wish
Nothing more
Like a penny thrown into a shallow pool
A tiny splash
To rest with thousands of other pennies just like it
In perpetuity
Sitting there
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
He had a dream.
I thought about him last night restlessly tossing and turning
Incensed that his dream is so far from coming true
Finally falling into my own dream
Millions of privileged white women threw their pennies all at once
Into the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool
On the National Mall
Creating a giant wave
RInsing the hate
The ugly stain of confederate and nazi flags out of the capitol
Suddenly turning into a gentle cycle taking over the entire country
Wringing out hearts and minds
Dye of love in the final rinse
Mothers, women, children, men, of all colors taking this place and hanging it out to dry in the sun
Rainbows in the whites of our eyes
So today, take out your pennies
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