All lives must matter
does black lives matter?
but when does black lives matter
when people of color stop killing each other over senseless beefs
that has nothing to do with the movement
black lives matter will only matter
when people stop promoting agendas that has nothing to do with the movement
for example: LGBTQ, feminism, and other lies
be careful of who you listen to
Matthew 7:15-20 states " beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves"
"you will recognize them by their fruits. are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles".
" so, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit". "A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear
good fruit"
"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire"
"Thus you will recognize them by their fruits"
Jesus will expose hearts who are truly fighting against the oppression of racism
Jesus will also expose hearts who are promoting agendas that is not of Him
and it's not going to be pretty, so heed my warning when i say
be careful who you're listening to
black lives will only matter
when people of color stop attacking each other because of differences of opinions
black lives will only matter
when you stop comparing the 400 years of slavery to the holocaust
that's like comparing a sin to another sin
a sin is a sin as the Bible brilliantly states
yet you have distractions such as:
jada and will smith justifying their cheating with entanglement
i never heard of it because it's blasphemy
no wonder the kids are all dysfunctionally screwed up
how about a word that folks don't want to acknowledge, yet it exists
it's called adultery
The Bible conveys that thou shall not commit adultery
repent to God and ask for forgiveness
you have 50 cents and T.I. going at it about whose the greatest rapper of all time
here's the answer in a nutshell
neither one of you so on to the next
a white person vandalizes a black lives matter mural, and they are racists.
a black person vandalizes a black lives matter mural, and she was applauded
that's hypocritical
so let me get this straight
a white person rapes a woman and gets probation
a person of color rapes a woman, and gets 25 to life
yet people of color would say that this is outrageous
but read the verse about the black lives mural being defaced.
can't have it both ways
see people are the ones causing the confusion
because of the lack of acceptance and acknowledgement
of loving folks who look differ from you
i don't need anyone to tell me that there is a systemic oppression of racism that exists
in that same breath there is hope because of the one who died on the cross for our sins
in case you forgot, His name is Jesus Christ.
the same Christ that took on human flesh who can indentify with our struggles
and gave up the salvation to stand upright and seek righteousness
speaking of the The Bible
folks are going to argue from the book of Luke about the 100 sheeps passage
there are 100 sheeps, 99 were saved, but there was one that got lost
The Bible doesn't say, the 1 black sheep, the 1 white sheep, the 1 brown sheep
The Bible say get the 1 sheep that was lost
so i beg someone to tell me otherwise
i'm going to drive home this poem by saying this
the final say is like the grand slam of baseball
the game winning shot in the NBA finals
all live matter
all lives must matter
all lives will matter
because we are all one under God's creation
Jesus is concern about soul , not skin