The Flowers' Resistance
Flowers need the sun.
Nature and nurture bound,
With the path forward undone.
Lingering fear dwells in seeds,
Just like a dandelion’s fluff
Before getting a little puff,
Believing satisfaction lies in the comfort of the shade,
Not wanting to experience the revolution of change.
Jasione’s justice is torn
With weeds smothering cooperation.
More and more lies are being born,
The thought of compromise left to mourn.
The will to resist is buried by the infection.
Not all flowers have thorns
Encouraging the crave for change,
As the yellow rose’s liberated glow fades
The king of flowers’ soil is left neglected.
Some flowers choose lux,
With the path forward ever-changing.
There’s the privilege to grow
And create a bright future
With the bravery of abandoning the shade,
To fly with the dandelions
Flowers need the sun.