Everything has already been said about love.
Even this. I know, but it’s true.
Who am I but a lovestruck child
finding my place in a world that is real?
Yet when I notice your absence
I suddenly shiver,
and my lungs forget how to breathe.
I wish you were here right beside me,
not just in my dreams when I sleep.
When you’re here my world is like sunshine,
a simile I’m sure someone’s used.
But I just can’t help but smile
when you light up my world;
you’re my muse.
I’ve tried peaches and plums,
but I know you’re the one
Who will keep me from growing old.
When I hear stories of love,
of fields and red roses,
no matter by whom they’re told,
I think of you and I shiver,
no hoodie to keep out the cold.