Before Bigfoot

Eyes glued to the abnormal boy, who walked the streets to school each day. He was different then most, his feet were bigger, much bigger, then most. He stood almost six feet tall, even the young boy knew he was out of place. At school the kids would tease and laugh, pointing out their differences and never seeing their similarities. The young boy was kind and shy and never knew what to do. But as the hate grew more and more through the years, the boy held onto those words and became broken inside. Soon hate began to build up, and up inside of him. He knew he was different, he had a beard in the fifth grade, the kids made fun of him, he thought. Years have pasted and soon came the time for the boy, who wasn't much a boy anymore, to go out of town. The people of the town stared as he stomped away and into the woods never to be seen as himself again.



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