Meeting you brought sunshine to my darkest days
I now had this marvelous motivation in this game we call life
You never had to speak words that could melt gold
You never had to climb the most icy, dangerous mountain
Or save me from the depths of my gloomy despair
You just had to exist-take up a small space in this vast universe
And exist you did
But soon the golden rays of your rainbow faded, and my grey skies turned black
You never threw spears or fired bullets
Just too busy falling in love with your own reflection to hear my wailing screams
My heart was ripped out in front of you, blood on my hands and
a gaping hole in my chest, big enough for you to fill
Your finger’s on the trigger. Pointed at me. You hate me-because I love and you cannot.
I’m the fool for standing unshielded in a shooting range.
But I want to be destroyed.
I want to be destroyed.
By you.
but your eyes seem empty and bored.
Should I just destroy myself?
Will you finally notice my broken pieces?
My room full of exotic jewels and rare treasures becomes an animal’s cage that people ridicule and throw garbage into as they pass by.
Misery loves company.
But so do I.
I love-
I want-
I want you.
But now,
I want-
I need-
to end.
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