Once the City
Pouding, pouding, pounding away
The remains of a once loved city
Crumbling away under them
They don't even see
Eyes hopeful enough to imagine a light at the end
Ways of fixing what they've destroyed
Crumbling away the joy of a once kept city
Digging their ditch farther and farther to the depths of the world
The children of today need to be the saviors of tomorrow
Our last hope
The hope of billions is too much to carry alone
Those of today must obey the laws of tomorrow
Survival is our only doubt now
Surivival of the of the once wealthy city
It's people afraid of loosing the shade of the tumbling buildings
Their comfort lost with the last snap from the bones of the tall
Alone, none to come down from the homes built high over head
Sailing above the city in the safety of the silk bushes nestled in the floating ocean
Shouting for survivors, only retireving the ones who can pay the fee
Dropping them back on the ruins of their once great city