Guess What
You said I'll fail
You said there's no way
You said I'd never make it
But guess what
I'm here
I've made it
I reached my goals
I'm on my way
So I might not have a boyfriend
I might not be a sport star
I might not have a ton of friends
I'm not you
But guess what
I'm just waiting for the guy
When he shows up, he's gonna blow your mind
He's gonna cherish me
We're gonna be #goals
You're right, I'm not a sport star
I've never had any talent there
We all know this
And honestly, I couldn't fit it in anyways
So I don't have a ton of friends
But all my friends are real
They're always there
They're my family
I'm not you
Thank heavens
I don't have bleach blonde hair
I don't flirt super well
So here's to you
The person who said I couldn't
Here I am
And I'm crushing it
Please, Please leave comments guys!!! Even just like a thumbs up or something is super helpful!!!