Opposites Attract
Emotions of mine
have umlimited meaning
to thus my heart to be fine.
Although yours, has no feeling.
You are the guide of my love
To where you felt the same
When push comes to shove,
I only see myself through shame
They say opposites attract.
Through the thick and the thin
I must face the fact
We discourage each other within
Three years strong
I still get scared
The pleasure is wrong
We can be repaired
I remember our beginning
We felt the love
We were winning
Your hand fit like a glove
To this day
We are diverse
I still pray
Things can not get worse
I spill my emotions
You are confusing about your feelings
Even though our commotions
I must get through our healings
I wish we were one
You are still my blessing
We must not be done
You must start expressing