A Tear of Reflection
This is it,
It's finally here.
After testing stress,
It's my final year.
High school was fun,
Not at all what I thought it would be.
Junior year made me strong,
Granting senior year to make me weak.
Making grades,
Leaving ties,
Oh, indeed, how time flies.
I learned to not believe,
That time would slow,
Maybe just for me.
Am I ready?
I guess I'll see,
Come May, it'll be time to leave.
A year of repaired,
Relations and Lies,
Could not prevent me from saying goodbye.
A year of relief,
Warring with pain and struggle.
A monumental memory,
The anniversary of how I once loved another.
He would be proud if he could see me now,
Another year has gone,
But I will not fall nor back down.
His legacy remains,
Empowering me to believe,
Another year is here,
And I the broken girl,
Will graduate and thrive,