I Am A Woman
Didn’t you hear?
Up is actually down,
And firm no’s…
actually just mean yes
You can do whatever you want,
Because that’s really what I was asking for
According to my “provocative clothing”
And “seductive glare”
And no,
Whoops, silly me,
Don't you see how confusing those two words are?
I meant yes.
My voice should not be heard,
For I am the lesser of mankind,
And yes!
Of course I will bow down,
Because that is where I belong.
Ha, I almost forgot my place,
I was about to step out of the kitchen,
But don’t worry honey,
I will get right back in
And make you whatever you want
Because I am the servant to your life
And I won’t,
Oh oops there I go again,
I’m sorry Brock,
I forgot that it in this world,
The Opposite one,
It’s alright to assault an unconscious woman,
Better yet,
It’s super easy to get away with
Don’t worry,
I won’t make that mistake next time
My bad Mr. Trump,
I’m sorry that I’m only a seven,
I’ll try my hardest to measure up to
Your misogynistic,
Oops I meant charming
Oh, and my biggest apology
Goes to you
I’m sorry for being a woman,
Who does
Want to hear anymore of your condescending remarks
Because despite our opposites,
I am worthy of
And equity