Maternal Wings
Raging bells blow up my ears.
Just 5 minutes more.
The bells roar at me again.
Maybe I can squeeze in
5 more hours of sleep
In 5 minutes.
But then the stars command me
To wake up.
The moon nudges me awake.
The sun waits for me
To experience its brilliance.
The wind whispers for me
To come swallow its air.
The clouds beckon at me
To guess their shapes.
Our infinite mother,
The nurturer of life,
Soothes my hair and
I’m suddenly connected
To the nerves of the universe
Once again.
She leads me out of bed
And into my day.
I anticipate the world,
Eager to witness its beauty,
of trials and of wonder.
Her wings embrace me
Throughout the day
And through her,
I stand tall with confidence.