Mugged delights
Hard day hard work hard night
lie down lie flat lie still
not like theres something better to do
lies you tell yourself to get down
lies you tell yourself to get up
lies you've told yourself over and over again
I know something, though
brought on the backs of my ancestors,
wrought from the hands of many
who've worked harder,
who've known hardship,
who've grasped harder
they all allow for my moment of
they know, I think,
just when I want to feel
nothing, a little stronger
I choose instead of rest
that which elevates me
beats my heart for me
wrings my words from me
mug steaming, fog bearing,
bitter tasting, heat teasing,
smell lingering, pulse quickening,
caffeinated, hand-roasted, bean-sprouted
moment of silence
while I take a breath,
and that first sip of coffee.