one of the saddest things
i've ever known
is the weighted feeling
that comes with understanding
there is some
no so much beauty in
this world that i will
never be able to capture
in the words that
fill this journal
there is no alphabet
which contains the precise
lettering to explain how
the light looks, flashing
off the river that filters between
the boulders and nooks
and crannies set in the
small mountains out of cashmere
or the feeling that fills
my lungs
driving down an empty highway
looking at the trees
like black lace
against the night sky
perhaps it's just
my own ignorance that
blocks my pen
but for some reason
it saddens me that i will
never be able to
tell the story of the
broken trees
that litter the hillside
or the trashed boot
that waits patiently
by the river
for its owner's return
and in spite of knowing
there is more beauty in this world
i’ll never capture
than that i will,
i continue to try
ink will birth a new river
in these pages
until my last breath
and it will not be in vain
because a terrarium is only
a piece of the earth
and it is enough to be beautiful
not despite of what it lacks
but because of what precious little
it has the power to make visible