We Are One
We are one
Me and poetry are one
Like my heart beating in my chest,
Catching every BA-bum-BA-bum
We are one
Like my lungs catching every breath
We are one
People ask me
Why do you feel the need to do poetry?
I answer
Because WE connect emotionally
Poetry is my therapist and I its patient
The poems are the cures to the situations
If it was not for Maya Angelou
And her beautiful “Still I Rise”
Me and Poetry probably would not have seen
Eye to eye
If it was not for the tears I shed
And the pen and paper at my command
We Probably would have never met
Because WE are one
It is the one I run to when I feel lonely
And Defeated
Pen and Paper sat on my desk
Awaiting our session
Me and Poetry are one
Like the thimble on the thumb
The Moon and the Sun
We are one
Like the sunset on the horizon