Trapped in a generation of social terrorization
Where thousands of hearts seek rehabilitation
The halls are filled with the sound of gossip popping like machine guns
And the immature destroy the naive- everyone’s favorite rerun
Who would have guessed teenagers were so temperamental?
Unable to distinguish the innocent from the detrimental
This is a generation of false love, and lost hope
But what else is there possibly to do but cope
Sadly this option may go unaware
There is a tendency to cause destruction without a single care
As the value of inner beauty lacks due to the obsession with decoration
Some have seeked a permanent vacation
Society grasps the minds’ of the young without freeing
Why does this generation place labels upon human beings?
But there is a way out of such misery
It is to create a new code of chivalry
Although slowly deteriorating on the inside
With a smile so misapplied
I compute strength from the hatred lingering in these hallways
For the time will come when I can truly say
This cruel generation has not broken me
And although it is difficult to survive
It is but hope that has kept me alive
~ A.G