Cursed the day of his birth (book of job)
imagine a parent saying to you that they wish you were never born
that you are a mistake of my life
job is an upright and blameless person like an innocent child understanding life itself
whose moral were heavily tested by confusion caused by satan
there are times when we say we have a strong prayer life, and when we are scrutinized by naysayers
we question God's legacy like job by not being righteous, we begin to doubt
like job, we'll say something like this:
may the day perish on which i was born
and the night in which it was said
i am conceived
may that day be in darkness where there is no light
may God may not seek it
nor the light shine upon me
may the darkness and shadows of death claim me
i have no purpose
the clouds be grey and settle in
may the blackness of the skies terrify me
every night , may the darkness reign supreme
may no joyful come to me
i feel as if i been lied to
may the sun set and darkness arouse
why am i here
why wasn't my mother's womb closed up when i came out
why did i not die at birth
why did i not perish when i came out of my mother 's womb
i rather been sleeping without bothering to wake up
i would've have more rest at that point
but You Lord have something in store
what is it? i want to know why i'm here
i feel hopeless, i don't want to revolt
i still ask questions
why was i not hidden like a stillborn child like infants whose eyes never open up to light
am i wicked that needs to be cease from troubles i indirectly caused
do i need to rest with prisoners together
i have a hard time getting away from the voice of the oppressor
who is telling me the truth
what are you going to say that's going to convince me that You are who You are
i need to see the light where i am in misery
so my soul is not bitter
i am not at ease, nor am i quiet
the biggest thing i greatly fear has come upon me
what can i do to change that?