where I'm from
Where are you from, seems to be the question everyone is dying to know.
Let me just say I'm not from roses and dandelions, nor butterflies and lady bugs.
So where am I from?
I'm from a house where actions speak louder than words.
From a loving dad and mom who always say I'm beautiful, but then again aren't they suppose to tell me that?
I'm from you're suppose to be the best, not like any of the rest because you're better than that.
I'm from all these impact emotions that I build up and can't show, because of a teenage girl who’s scared of this world...
I'm from friends always saying they'll be by my side, but I turn to my right and see nothing but a lie.
I'm from my grandma.
A beautiful woman who I wish I got to say one more last goodbye, but because of cancer that wish was just another feather soaring through the sky.
I'm from people giving me looks and grins as if I didn't know the complexion of my skin.
Always being asked if they could touch my hair, but I didn't really understand quite why.
See I'm from a country where white is the dominate color.
Where my race gets looked at differently because we're just more tan than the others.
I'm from be Strong.
Thinking we'll all get through this together.
From a Christian family whose wise words and favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 which states
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"