Everything Is Awesome But My Mom Is Better
Everything is Awesome but My Mom Is Better
I find it funny how this is based off of a kid’s movie
You may find this poem funny and a little moving
Now just like most my mother is awesome but she is better
Maybe it is because she makes the world shine no matter what weather
I cannot really explain how she is different from other
You’ll probably see this as a bias opinion because I love her
Well actually yes it is because of the but….
My mom made sure I look fashionable no matter what
She makes me wear my best outfits when I have to get the mail
Taught me how to dress if I want to impress females
Seriously we would stay in TJ-Maxx for hours
Leaving my brother looking sweet but our attitude sour
Of course raising two boys is a hard task
But she made sure we did not go crazy like Jim Carey in The Mask
One thing she always told us is “Men always work”
Made sure we always go to church
I guess one thing about my mom is I can tell her anything
While many of kids cannot tell their parents many things
Deep in heart whatever the situation I know she still love me
Even if I get annoyed when she hugs me
Then there is the moment when she would call me by my “baby names”
I may seem embarrassed but know I am not ashamed
You may argue your mother is awesome down to the letter
But I think Everything Is Awesome But My Mom Is Better