Thoughts while waiting to cross the street
I just want a steady income and a way with words
that doesn't fall so abruptly out of my mouth,
Having frustration over everything I say
makes everything go down South.
"I can do it." Seeing signs posted over the globe,
with those 4 words - I need to achieve my motivation with a heart full of hope.
There is no room for buts; just a must.
Do you hear the same song and stories - "Someone is leaving me!"?
That's why I'm committed to relationships;
to be that person who doesn't leave.
There are sometimes just repetitive, predictable humans
but you eventually find those people worth it.
The couple small things here and there start to matter.
I'm dedicated to hear how your life isn't fair,
Or how people are leeches that distract you
from getting out of the mud they pushed you in, so I can guide to help you
realize that I sympathize too.
But when someone speaks that way,
I realize they're making a mistake. We all have some problems,
and confusions but we're humans; not leeches.
If I could teach someone, reach out a hand, I wouldn't leave you there with nowhere to land.
I am interested in when you reach your lowest
to merely receive some source of comfort,
Like a warm fuzzy blanket on Christmas.
I am interested in you, nevertheless.
Your highs, as well as your lows, swallowing me whole,
it would be miraculous to see a stream of positivity
Crossing the street on my way to work....
I then would simply choose to rely on it.
This poem is about:
Our world